Keep Learning (Podcasts and more)
{Image description: person with short hair in yellow shirt using a tablet} Photo by Julia Cameron from Pexels
One of the best ways to learn about and become more comfortable talking about disability is to seek out a broad range of voices with different perspectives. We’ve curated this list of podcasts and social media accounts as a way to help you find those perspectives more easily. If you know of a podcast that belongs here or find a link that isn’t working, please let us know by email.
*Note that some podcasts are no longer creating new episodes, but the previously produced ones are still available to the best of our knowledge.
99% Invisible
Britt Young, the author of the article "I have one of the most advanced prosthetic arms in the world — and I hate it" guides us through the highs and lows of high tech prosthetics.
A wheelchair in a storage room at the Smithsonian is a jumping off point for a discussion of Ed Roberts, growing assertiveness of disability rights activists, and curb cuts.
Intersectionality, beauty standards, and race are about to get unpacked. In A Valid Podcast’s second season, reporters, as well as analysts who have disabilities, talk with top-notch guests. We’ll all probably have a disability at some point–so why not talk about this element of the human condition?
Access Granted - A Video Game Accessibility Podcast
Access Granted is a podcast of conversations about accessibility in Video Games. Hosted by YouTuber and Accessibility Advocate Steve Saylor. Each episode Steve chats with prominent people in the accessibility community. We discuss what can be done to push accessibility forward in the industry from the Xbox Adaptive Controller to Easy Modes = Equality Modes and so much more.
The Accessible Stall is a disability podcast hosted by Kyle Khachadurian and Emily Ladau that keeps it real about issues within the disability community.
There is a lot of information about how to make the web accessible. There isn’t so much information about the people working to make the web accessible. Over the years that I’ve been involved with web accessibility, I have met a lot of very interesting people. I wanted to learn more about them, and meet new people involved in one way or another with web accessibility. The A11y Rules Podcast is the result of this desire.
Radio program reflecting health, home/community living, arts/entertainment, legislation, technology, sports and recreation, education and employment activities, events and resources affecting persons with disabilities from a wide range of ages, ethnic and economic backgrounds.
Bad Attitudes: An Uninspiring Podcast About Disability
A less-than-inspiring exploration of disability from someone who is actually disabled. Heavy on the sarcasm, Bad Attitudes explores the reality of being disabled, how non-disabled people can become better advocates and allies, disability representation in pop culture, and the ways in which disability permeates society. Young or sensitive ears beware. N (always) SFW.
The place where the real disability talk happens. Interviews, life hacks and things you don't say out loud. With Simon Minty, Kate Monaghan and the Ouch team.
Beyond Awareness: Disability Awareness That Matters
Is it appropriate to talk about disability? Is there a way to respectfully talk about disability? What words do I use when talking about disability? How do I teach kids about disability? Why do I feel awkward when I talk about disability? Are my disability awareness efforts outdated and offensive? Or are they aligned with disability research, allyship, and inclusion? Are there any quick and easy, and good resources out there to teach me about disability? Is disability awareness necessarily connected to conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion? How can I be sure that I'm not teaching disability awareness from an ableist perspective? Diana brings in speakers to answer these questions and more during inclusive, socially responsive conversations.
This is a forum for special education and general education teachers, parents, and community members who want to promote disability awareness from a progressive, dignifying, social justice, and diversity appreciation perspective.
First impressions can take only 6 seconds to make! But if you’re neurodivergent, those quick judgments about you can be misleading.
That’s where the Beyond 6 Seconds podcast comes in! Join Carolyn Kiel, as they talk with neurodivergent entrepreneurs, creators, advocates & more about their lives and identities. Their stories shatter misconceptions, break stigma and showcase the vibrance of neurodiversity.
Black Disabled Men Talk is a podcast where four black men discuss precinct social and political issues of the day. The four black men on this podcast are Leroy Moore, Keith Jones, Lateef McLeod, and Ottis Smith.
Living as a Black Woman with ADHD
Movie depictions of Disability with Kristen Lopez
Chronic Living is a podcast focused around helping spread awareness and education for those living with a chronic illness, chronic pain or a disability. On this podcast i will share my experiences living with Ulcerative Colitis as well as invite others on the show to share there experiences.
Claiming Disability Inc: You Belong Here
Erin Noon Kay is the CEO & Founder of Claiming Disability LLC. Erin identifies a "fierce disabled entrepreneurial woman," with Cerebral Palsy. She uses a walker and wheelchair occasionally, but she believes it's "OK" to look disabled and is working hard to bring representation for disability in film and everyday culture through media projects and disability related content. She believes "disabled," is NOT is a bad word, but a badge of honor, a beautiful community, a culture. She has worked in the non-profit, governmental, and business sector for over 10 years.
Contra* by Critical Design Lab
a podcast about disability, design justice, and the lifeworld.
Join Internationally acclaimed Nicole Luongo as she talks with advocates, leaders, and educators in the Cerebral Palsy world.
a weekly podcast produced and delivered by Australian Disability Limited, it aims to educate, entertain and inform the general community how they can help us create a more accessible and inclusive society for people with disabilities, their friends and family.
De-escalating Disability explores the intersectionality of autism, race, and policing.
This is a podcast that looks at disability stories. it’s like sitting down with a really close friend to have real conversations about disability, sexuality and everything else about the disability experience that we don’t talk about; the things about being disabled we keep in the dark. The show is hosted by Disability Awareness Consultant Andrew Gurza.
Produced by England’s Disability Arts Online, The Disability And…Podcast gets right to the heart of some of the most pressing issues in arts, culture and beyond with a series of bold, provocative and insightful interviews with disabled artists, key industry figures and the odd legend. The Disability And…Podcast is a monthly podcast. Guests so far have included Mat Fraser, gobscure, Jackie Hagan, Claire Cunningham, Jess Thom, Dennis Queen, Tanni Grey-Thompson, Mandy Colleran Aidan Moesby, Jennifer Gilbert and Matilda Ibini.
This podcast and blog are a home for the stories where disability, migration and culture meet.
Discover a new figure or event in disability history each day! Each daily podcast includes a transcript and often links to additional resources about the person or event of the day.
Disability History Association Podcast
features students, researchers, teachers, curators, elders, and activists who have disability history stories to share.
Honest conversations about disability with parents, educators, and people with disabilities.
Disability Matters with Joyce Bender focuses on the employment and empowerment of people with disabilities.
Disability Visibility Project Podcast
This is life from a disabled lens. Disability Visibility is a podcast hosted by San Francisco night owl Alice Wong featuring conversations on politics, culture, and media with disabled people. If you’re interested in disability rights, social justice, and intersectionality, this show is for you. It’s time to hear more disabled people in podcasting and radio. Named one of the 15 best podcasts by women that you’re not listening to by Refinery 29 in 2021.
The podcast ended with episode 100 in April 2021 with possible audio stories coming in the future so do not unsubscribe! You can download the Disability Visibility Podcast Resource Guide, a list of all episodes with links in a PDF.
Disarming Disability Podcast was founded in 2019. The podcast's mission is to powerfully deconstruct disability through candid conversations with experts exploring topics related to disability. The podcast looks to educate, empower, voice, and build a more inclusive society. Our vision is that people will connect to the history, policy, stories, and research on disability to launch their advocacy efforts and create more inclusive communities.
Living as your authentic disabled self in an abled world isn't easy. Join disabled friends Shruti and Harper each week as they discuss their experiences and pursue living by the disabled standard—the radical opposite of the abled standard. Disabled or not, be sure to tune in for unfiltered conversations about what it's really like to be disabled today. From foundational disability topics like infantilization to current events like the pandemic to Shruti and Harper's own disabled joys like writing and community care, The Disabled Standard is an exploration of disability you won't want to miss.
The Docs With Disabilities Family of Podcasts aim to highlight disability stories and research while providing valuable education for Disability Resource Professionals, Faculty, Administrators and Students in Health Professions Education
Down to the Struts is a podcast about disability, design, and intersectionality, where we uncover the building blocks for a more accessible, inclusive, and equitable world for all disabled people. Our host, Qudsiya Naqui, brings together activists, scholars, artists, athletes and many others to share their wisdom about how we can reimagine policies, practices, and the built environment to center disabled bodies and the intersectional identities they hold. If you have questions, suggestions, or ideas, we welcome you to contact us at
Dwarfism can be traced back to the Biblical days, yet stories of little people are rarely told. So, in this new podcast series, Aubrey Smalls is changing that. Join us weekly as we uncover new and exciting stories of iconic people with dwarfism throughout history. You can also sign up for the Dwarfism History Substack.
Empower! A Rio Grande Valley Disability Community Podcast
Disability Community insights, advice, and real-life experiences all told by the people who live the journey and the people who love them.
A podcast created to shift the narrative around disability. We speak openly around what it means to have a disability, and what it doesn’t mean. By sharing our stories, we hope to influence thought leaders, companies, and help empower people with a disability and the professionals who work with them.
Everything You Know About Disability is Wrong!
Everything You Know About Disability is Wrong is a podcast for the disability community by the disability community, hosted by two disabled women. But if you're not disabled, listen in to learn about real issues, celebrations, and conversations disabled people are having in their communities.
The GET MAD! Podcast is a transformative mental health, mad pride, and disability justice podcast with the aim of fostering public education and fueling social change. Hosted by political activist, Vesper Moore, the GET MAD! podcast pushes for the pursuit of mental health liberation in a society that is dominated by narratives of sanism and ableism.
Green Mountain Disability Stories
Green Mountain Disability Stories is the University of Vermont’s Center on Disability & Community Inclusion (CDCI) monthly podcast, sharing stories by, with, and for Vermonters with disabilities. These are experiences of disability in Vermont, the Green Mountain State.
The disability community is a community that everyone is only one illness or injury away from joining. According to the US Census Bureau, one in every eight Americans has some type of disability, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts that number at one in four U.S. adults. In this podcast, host Andrea Pasquale and producer Jaye McAuliffe highlight the stories of people with disabilities living in Arizona while pointing to resources dedicated to making the state more accessible.
Included: The Disability Equity Podcast
Hosted by Dr. Bonnielin Swenor and Dr. Nicholas Reed, the Included Podcast delves deep into issues of disability equity. Included looks at disability issues, like voting and healthcare, from personal, advocacy, and research perspectives.
The Intersections on the Spectrum podcast is the brainchild of Doug Blecher and Kelly Bron Johnson, created to discuss intersectional issues within the autistic community, and give visibility to commonly marginalized, repressed, underrepresented, or erased identities and issues. We aim to introduce you to the people and stories you didn’t know about, but needed to hear, and hope that by seeing yourself represented in the community, allows you to feel seen.
Shane and Hannah ((aka Squirmy and Grubs) are on a mission to change the way society understands disability and relationships. On their popular YouTube channel, with over 1 million subscribers, the married couple shares a raw and unfiltered look into their interabled love life—Shane is disabled and uses a wheelchair; Hannah is non-disabled and performs all of Shane’s daily care. Junkyard Mayhem will bring you even deeper into their romance in the only way S&H know how—absurdity, sarcasm, and self-deprecation. It’s a junkyard out there! Let’s see what treasures we can dig up.
Krip-News is a channel where we talk about radical disability issues from Hip-Hop to historical facts of people with disabilities, to the latest news touching people with disabilities, especially Black/Brown/Poor disabled people around the world.
A podcast for distractible women. It’s ladies. With ADHD. Talking about ADHD. Hosted by Jenn Welch, a lady with ADHD. LadyHD.
Living with a disability doesn't define us, it's just one part of who we are. We are artists, authors, entrepreneurs, parents, and lovers. We don't exist to inspire others but rather live our lives through the independent living movement that empowers us to live our best lives.
Mad in America Radio hosts audio podcasts that offer an alternative perspective on mental health and psychiatry. Listen to engaging and enlightening discussions with experts and those with lived experience too.
The Nation's Blind Podcast highlights different themes related to blindness, independent living, and news from the National Federation of the Blind.
Empowering change through the sharing of everyday experiences of ableism, while educating society on the vital role of accessibility in fostering belonging for individuals with disabilities.
Fighting ableism one stool at a time!
A Podcast About Life With Chronic Illness
This podcast covers the topics of autism & neurodiversity, health disinformation and children’s rights, featuring experts in a range of related fields.
Tune in each week for an honest and truthful perspective from a disabled lens. This show is hosted by TEDx Speaker and Certified ADA Coordinator, Travis Davis, M.S.
New weekly podcast from the team behind BBC Ouch, presented by Nikki Fox. Original disability news stories and features
Pigeonhole challenges the stereotypes that disabled people are all white, straight, middle class people in search of a cure for their bodies and minds the way mainstream media would make it seem. Made by from disability community, and centering disabled people as audience, Pigeonhole interrogates the assumptions and biases we hold about disability and embraces all parts of people's identities. We uplift disability culture, celebrate identity, and break out of the narrow pigeonholes people attempt to stuff us in. All episodes have screen reader-accessible pdf full transcripts at
Poor Magazine’s KEXU: 96.1 FM Poor Peoples Revolutionary Radio
Revolutionary Radio of unheard voices struggling with poverty, racism, disability, incarceration, migration/immigration locally and globally- produced youth, adult and elder poverty scholars at POOR Magazine.
The Politics of Disability is an award-winning podcast that addresses the politics, messiness, and unpalatability of disability. Hosted by the founder of Upgrade Accessibility, Mary Fashik, and edited by Adam Ross.
A podcast for disabled people of color everywhere. POWER NOT PITY is a podcast that centers and celebrates the lived experiences of disabled people of color. Let's dismantle ableism by listening to each other's stories.
Self Advocates United as 1's podcast. Self Advocates United as 1 (SAU1) is a group of people who envision a world where people with developmental disabilities and their families are united to share knowledge, empower others, and use their voices to transform their communities and people’s lives.
A show about changing how we understand and talk about stuttering, one conversation at a time.
A half-hour radio show providing critical coverage of disability issues and bringing the insight of the grassroots disability movement to the general public. Pushing Limits advances the voices of people who live with disabilities. It is produced by a collective of media makers and activists who themselves live with disability.
“Real People, Real Stories,” shares personal vignettes from individuals on why digital accessibility is so much more than a “nice to have” for them.
Stories & profiles of compelling people impacted by all degrees of blindness and disability. Plus, Reid explores his own experiences in his unique way pairing his words with music and sound design.
The Rest Room is a podcast about living well with chronic illness.
The Satirically Challenged Show
The Satirically Challenged Show is the only comedy disabled news program in the world. Each week Live on Mondays at 9 P.M on Blog Talk Radio. Our correspondents have one mission when 9 p.m. calls. Discuss mainstream news, in any form apart from its place to deliver disability news and satire to the forefront. We also interview guests from the world of disability advocacy and special guests from the entertainment industry.
Scientific American’s “Science Quickly - Song of the Stars”
Song of the Stars Part 1 - Transforming Space into Symphonies
Space is famously silent, but astronomers and musicians are increasingly turning astronomical data into sound as a way to make discoveries and inspire people who are blind or visually impaired.
Song of the Stars Part 2: Seeing in the Dark
A blind astronomer “sonified” the universe’s most explosive events: gamma-ray bursts. By listening to, rather than looking at, the data, she made a critical discovery and changed the field of astronomy.
Song of the Stars Part 3: The Universe in All Senses
An astronomy festival in Italy opted to make all of its events and workshops multisensory. The organizers wanted to see whether sound, touch and smell can, like sight, transmit the wonders of the cosmos.
Performance Artist Sally Greenhouse survived a catastrophic car accident that left her with a broken neck and spinal cord injury. "Secret Lives of the Disabled" is a podcast that has as its focus individuals who become disabled in America due to accidents, chronic illnesses and debilitating pain often plunging them into poverty, housing insecurity and extreme isolation while rendering them as expendable Americans. This podcast features guests from every profession addressing the consequences faced by formerly able bodied people, in mutually interactive conversations with Greenhouse, that include her chronicle of how she survives physical disability.
A podcast talking to people with cognitive disabilities who advocate for themselves.
Sickboy Podcast is hilarious, ridiculously insightful and absolutely determined to break down the stigma associated with illness and disease! The show started with three best friends who recognized that when faced with difficult situations, illnesses and diseases, people tighten up, they get awkward, and they simply don't know what to say. Taking the lead from Jeremie's life long battle with Cystic Fibrosis, the boys help people understand that sometimes the best way to deal with illness, disease and life is simply to laugh.
Stuff You Missed in History Class
Ed Roberts and the Independent Living Movement
This episode of Stuff You Missed in History Class is about Ed Roberts and the Independent Living Movement. Ed Roberts was a disability rights activist, known as the father of the Independent Living movement. That movement combines advocacy, resources and education toward the goal of living independently and fully integrated with abled society.
Where the visuals of current events and the world around us get hashed out in description-rich conversations. J.J. Hunt is an innovative Audio Describer and a natural-born storyteller. Christine Malec is a perpetually inquisitive member of the blind and partially sighted community who’s always wondering about something. In Talk Description to Me, their discussions plunge into current events and topical issues to explore the content of important images, and help place vivid descriptions in their cultural context. Lively, hard-hitting, witty, vibrant, and fun, this is conversation with a view!
This podcast hosts stories written and performed by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, tackling topics that range from romantic relationships to work life, childhood to grief. These are real stories from the complex, rich lives of real people. This is not inspiration porn.
This podcast features conversations on all things wellness, impact, identity, and leadership with friends who are using their voices and platforms to cultivate compassion, creativity, and change.”I’m on a mission to increase intersectional disability representation and democratize visibility.
True Disabled Story! is a powerful, dynamic collection of videos spanning over 60 guests across 7 countries. True Disabled Story! offers a candid look at the moment of diagnosis and how it shapes people's attitudes and lives. Through heartfelt conversations, these lived experts discuss the emotional, social, and practical impacts of their diagnoses, shedding light on their challenges and triumphs. Nico hopes that True Disabled Story! helps foster understanding and empathy for the different experiences of Disabled people around the world.
Your Disabled Joy challenges negative and tragic portrayals of the Disabled experience using firsthand accounts from Disabled people. Filmed since April 2023, YDJ collects 80+ conversations with Disabled people from 4 continents so far. Through sharing their joys, wins, and hopes, Disabled people make it clear: Disabled life is worth living. "I started Your Disabled Joy because my experience as a Disabled man and as a Disability advocate wasn't what I was seeing when Disability was portrayed in media. I think we can learn better, do better, and treat each other better."-Nico Meyering
Newsletters and Blogs
A biweekly newsletter that covers accessible and universal design in the digital world and beyond, accessibility audits and redesigns, tools and products. Useful, actionable tips for designers, engineers, and managers.
Approximately monthly newsletter with free, accessible resources, events, and materials on web accessibility, inclusion, and best practices. Born from the creator’s habit of sharing links with friends, it now delivers monthly updates on free online events (primarily in English), along with timeless resources like courses, certifications, and influencer insights on disability and accessibility. It’s a streamlined guide to accessibility, designed to be as inclusive as the topic itself.
A weekly tour of the horizon that is disability arts and politics.
Disability History, Justice & Culture News
The monthly newsletter from the Disability History and Culture Collective.
An email newsletter for disabled people and others who are interested in disability issues, ideas, and culture. Each weekday Andrew Pulrang shares and discusses links to three disability-related items, with Fridays reserved for a video or opinion poll. And comments are always open and welcomed.
(Un)Hidden: Disability Histories and Our World.
“(Un)Hidden is intended to be a space to share the histories that have come to life in my (Alex Green) work and reckon with their meaning in our lives. Necessarily, it will be incomplete, sometimes by accident and sometimes by preference. More than anything, it reflects my personal belief that the most overlooked of disabled people past and present—intellectually, developmentally, and mentally disabled people, many of whom were victims of segregated institutionalization—are particularly deserving of our attention, as are the people who they interacted with, past and present.”
Social Media Accounts and Blogs
A collection curated by the Disability History and Culture Collective
10 disability Instagram accounts you need to follow
Whether it is about advocacy and awareness, having a laugh, or just sprucing up your feed, here are 10 Instagram accounts about disability you need to be following!