TV screen with "VOD Video On Demand" made up of small colorful images from videos

Video Courses/Professional Development On Demand

Now Available!

Here you can find versions of our professional development courses that are available as produced and recorded versions that allow you to watch on your own schedule. You can watch all at once, or section by section as fits your schedule. These recordings have activities built into them as well as a Q & A opportunity.

These courses can be rented by individuals, as well as schools and entire districts. Details on courses are below:

Introduction to Disability Inclusive Curriculum Course - Video On Demand

This 85-minute video course introduces the concepts, resources and supports that you need to begin conversations toward a better and more inclusive mindset in students K-12.

This valuable training tool is for anyone interested in introducing Disability Inclusive Curriculum or anyone who wants to learn more about promoting the concepts and benefits to others. Scroll to the bottom of this page to watch the promo/trailer.

Rental information for Intro Course


3 month rental: $20

Rent on Vimeo:

Small groups (not intended for school use, see below for school rentals)

3 month rental to show to a small group of 5 to 20 people: $100

Rent on Vimeo:

Schools, districts and other organizations:

Rent the video for entire school/organization by contacting us at

Video can be watched by a large group, or you can receive codes so all teachers can watch on their own.

Pricing is for a one-year rental to allow use anytime during the year, as well as for training of new hires throughout the year.

$500 for individual schools

$1,000 for small districts with 2 to 4 schools

$2,500 for districts with 4 to 8 schools

$5,000 for districts with 9 to 20 schools

Districts with more than 20 schools, universities or for other uses, please contact us for pricing by emailing or by phone at 724-726-1155

* Additional courses will be offered based on interest. If there’s a video course you’d like to see here, let us know by emailing or by phone at 724-726-1155

Promo video for Introduction to Disability Inclusive Curriculum Video Course