Learn about the social model of disability.

As summarized by Scope, “the social model of disability is a way of viewing the world, developed by disabled people.” 

“The model says that people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairment or difference. Barriers can be physical, like buildings not having accessible toilets. Or they can be caused by people's attitudes to difference, like assuming disabled people can't do certain things.”

“The social model helps us recognise barriers that make life harder for disabled people. Removing these barriers creates equality and offers disabled people more independence, choice and control.”

The term social model was coined by Mike Oliver in 1983.

What is the Social Model of Disability - by Spectrum Centre for Independent Living

Social Model of Disability for Kids

Scope recommends using the children’s book “Winnie the Witch” to teach children about the social model.

Here is an animated read-aloud version of Winnie the Witch.

We also have a lesson plan and reading guide based on the book Winnie the Witch.

Animated video read aloud of “Winnie the Witch”


Social Model of Disability explained by Mike Oliver

Disabled Students Campaign - Social Model of Disability with Mike Oliver
Watch this video on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDO6U0-uaoM&t=36s

Social Model of Disability as illustrated by Vic Finkelstein

Watch this video at: https://youtu.be/9s3NZaLhcc4?si=ZiiGixXsZb_oeL_1

Social Model of Disability video by Shape Arts.

Watch this video at https://youtu.be/24KE__OCKMw

Social Model video by Unlimited (with audio description)