Exploring Nancy Polette’s “The Spy with the Wooden Leg: The Story of Virginia Hall” with the help of a reading journal
Exploring Nancy Polette’s “The Spy with the Wooden Leg: The Story of Virginia Hall” with the help of a reading journal PDF
The students will learn how to use a reading journal to aid their exploration of a biography “The Spy with the Wooden Leg: The Story of Virginia Hall” which will be read as a class and individually. This reading will be slow in order to help support students’ discovering how to read, process, and reflect upon biography in the form of a chapter book and use this information to enrich their study of History. Many aspects of this lesson are flexible and can be adapted to the needs of your students.
Subject and topic:
ELA and History
(This works best coordinated with a study of World War 2 in Europe)
Grade level:
4th -7th grade
Should be taught at the same time students are learning about World War 2 in Europe.
This may span two weeks, but it only takes a few minutes (possibly including time during morning work and time set aside for reading out loud or silently) about 3-5 times a week.