Ability Privilege Lesson
This activity is designed for students to reflect on their own lives and their privilege status. Unfortunately in our society certain groups can navigate with ease, while others must fight for their basic rights. Students will reflect on how their ability (able-bodied or disabled) affects their lives and how they can use their privilege to help others.
Image Description: various heights of different colored bars lined up next to one another. The words “Ability Privilege” towards the top.

Calendar of Events
A calendar of events that recognizes various days (and months) is an easy way to bring the conversation about disability into your classrooms and schools. Including discussion of disabled people throughout the year sends a message to all that disabled students are recognized and valued as a part of the education community.
Image description: calendar page tilted at an angle, reading glasses rest on the bottom corner of the calendar

Coloring Books, Pages and Clip Art with Disability Representation
Including coloring pages and artwork in lessons (some of these allow you to use as clip art) that includes disability representation furthers the goal of regularizing disability by seeing it and offering opportunities to learn and ask questions.
Image Description: small images of the coloring books on a yellow background

FDR Hiding his Disability Lesson
Students will engage in discussion about the Stigma associated with disability. They will then learn about FDR and how illness made him lose the ability to fully walk. They will then learn about how FDR, the people around him, and the press worked to keep his disability as secret as possible. This will lead to a discussion about the impact of his decision to hide his disability, and how taking a prideful approach to his disability could have changed how people perceived him and others with disabilities.
Image description: photograph of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Posters with Disability Inclusive Content
Posters with disability representation. Most are free to download, though some can be purchased as well.
Image description: Corkboard wall with many signs of assorted size and colors.

Racialization of Disability Lesson
In this lesson, students will read and discuss Douglas Baynton’s Disability and the Justification of Inequality in American History. Students will participate in a discussion about the racialization of disability and the intersections of ableism and racism.
Image description: Photograph of James Baldwin and the quote “We can disagree & still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression & denail of my humanity & right to exist” - James Baldwin

Stella Young TED Talk Lesson Plan
Students will watch Stella Young’s TED Talk where she breaks down society's habit of turning disabled people into ‘inspiration porn’” and process why disabled people are often thought to be inspirational for achieving very ordinary things. This inspiration is actually pity in disguise and they’ll discuss the implications for that idea. Students will reflect on their own perceptions of disability and how it aligns with the thoughts shared in the TED video
Image description: Photo looking up at Stella Young